We believe God is the infinite and perfect Spirit in whom all things have their source, support and end. God has revealed Himself in a general sense in creation (Psalm 19:1-4; Rom 1:20) and man’s conscience (Gen 1:26,27; Rom 2:14,15). These channels of self-revelation declare something of the greatness and justice of God but are suppressed in the heart of unregenerate man (Rom 1:18,19; Psalm 14, 53). God has also revealed Himself through direct communication (Gen 6:13), miracles (Exod 5:1,2), the lives of believers (Matt 5:13-15), Jesus Christ (Heb 1:2,3; John 14:8,9) and the Bible (Heb 1:1; Rom 1:2). The existence of God is assumed by Scripture as self-evident (Rom 1:20).
God is a person possessing spirituality (John 4:24), life (Deut 5:26; 1 Thess 1:9), intelligence (1 Sam 2:3), purpose (Isa 14:26,27), action (John 5:17), freedom (Eph 1:11), self-consciousness (Eph 3:14), and emotion (Jer 31:3).
The attributes of God can be categorized into attributes of greatness and attributes of goodness.
Attributes of greatness include self-existence (Exod 3:14), infinity (Rom 11:33), perfection (Job 37:16), omnipotence (Gen 17:1), omniscience (1 John 3:20), omnipresence (Psalm 139:7-10), all-wise (Rom 11:33), eternality (Gen 21:33), immutability (Jam 1:17), incomprehensibility (Psalm 145:3).
The attributes of goodness include holiness (Psalm 99:4-9; Isa 57:15; Isa 6:1-5), truth (John 17:3), love (1 John 4:8), righteousness (Psalm 11:7), faithfulness (Psalm 36:5), mercy (Matt 9:27), and grace (Eph 1:7).
God exists wholly, indivisibly, eternally and as a tri-unity of Father, Son and Spirit (Matt 3:16-17), three persons in one essence. Each person is recognized as God (John 6:27; John 1:1; Acts 5:3-4) and all three are one God (John 10:30; 1 Cor 3:16 John 14:23). Within the tri-unity there exists equality of essence (Matt 28:19) and order of function. The Son is subordinate to the Father (John 14:28; 1 Cor 11:3) and the Spirit is subordinate to the Son and the Father (John 14:26; 15:16).
God predestined (Rom 8:28; Eph 3:11) and created (Gen 1:3,6) the universe which He presently preserves (John 5:17) and providentially controls (Matt 10:29; Psalm 22:28; Job 37:1-3; Phil 4:19) for His own glory (Eph 1:5,6). His decree concerning the universe is comprehensive (Eph 1:11), eternal (Eph 3:11), immutable (Isa 46:9-10), absolute (Eph 1:11), efficacious (Isa 14:27) and freely made (Rom 11:34; Psalm 115:3). God’s decrees do not absolve human responsibility (Luke 22:22; Matt 18:7)